Friday, 12 August 2011

Hopes and plans for the future...

I've had quite an inspirational evening. Thinking about what the future holds can be a little daunting, especially when you have all these ideas flying around but you don't really know where to start or how to even go about organising them. So, I feel that writing everything down will somehow make me more likely to achieve these plans.

I have spent the last couple of hours browsing magazine websites and looking into what type of placements and internships I could do to get a little closer to gaining the job of my dreams...working for Glamour. When I picture myself in the future, I visualise scenes along the lines of The Devil Wears Prada and Ugly Betty, working in a busy magazine based enviroment, living in a cute apartment in the centre of London, waking up to the hustle and bustle of early morning commuters, preparing myself for the race to get to the tube on time etc. When I think about this, it makes me so determined to get there, I can't see myself doing anything else.

However, I also have the niggling need to travel and see as much of the world as possible. With this country in the state it currently is in, (the economy, riots, rude people) I find it very difficult to say I'm proud to be british, and it only increases my want to travel even more so. So I've been ploughing through the STA Travel website at different options of seeing the world. Do I just want to travel and do the whole tourist scenic route, or do I want to do something useful to others, such as volunteer work or teaching english? There's so many options and different routes to go down, it's kind of overwhelming. And how do you know which is the right route to take?

So, I've sent off for a couple of quotes on prices. I want to visit Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Fiji, Dubai, before even getting to America. I want to see the amazing sights, absorb everything, find tiny little treasures of places that have rarely been visited by tourists. I want to have had the chance to experience all of this so that in 50 years time I can look back and be satisfied by what I've achieved in life.

I haven't written on this blog for almost a year, but after tonights wonderings and future planning, I suddenly had the urge to write one and its strangely satisfying :)

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